1 – 5 July 2023

opinionated commentary on literary matters – from the complete review Swiss philosopher Peter Bieri — better-known under the name under which he published his novels, Pascal Mercier — has passed away; see, for example, the SWI swissinfo.ch . His best-known novel is under review at the — . I missed this last week, but they’ve the winner of this year’s VCU Cabell First Novelist Award, and it is , by Tess Gunty, which has already racked up quite a few awards, including the 2022 National Book Award for Fiction. And it is just out in paperback. I haven’t seen this yet, but see the publicity pages from and , or get your copy at , or . At Tobias Carroll has a with Rodrigo Rey Rosa, whose is due out shortly from Biblioasis; see also their I have a copy of this one and should be getting to it soon; three of his titles are already under review at the ; e.g. Severina . Personal review The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Lee Child’s nineteenth Jack Reacher novel, the 2014 Personal . The Millions’ ‘Most Anticipated’ At The Millions they now have their list of the Most Anticipated: The Great 2023B Book Preview for the second half of the year, with 171 titles on offer. US-focused, of course — and while there are certainly many titles of interest, note that there are a lot more to look out for. Among the biggest missing titles: Dalkey Archive Press’ re-issue of Marguerite Young’s Miss MacIntosh, My Darling ; see their publicity page . (They do list the Dalkey re-issue of David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress .) Also; two from Other Press (which I recently got ARCs of): Mohamed Mbougar Sarr’s prix Goncourt-winning The Most Secret Memory of Men ( publicity page ) and Giuliano da Empoli’s already much-discussed The Wizard of the Kremlin ( publicity page ). And what about Michael Brodsky’s Invidicum , coming from Tough Poets Press ( publicity page ) ? Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis They held the Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur — ‘days of German […]

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