11 – 18 September 2024

11 - 18 September 2024

Reading Time: 1 Min.

opinionated commentary on literary matters – from the complete review 12 September 2024 – Thursday Singapore Literature Prize | Prix Sade finalists Prize-winning historical fiction | Russian publishing abroad Singapore Literature Prize They’ve announced the (many) winners of this year’s Singapore Literature Prize — impressive, because books in several languages are honored, with fiction winners in English, Chinese, Tamil, and Malay, for example. Some interesting-looking titles here, which will hopefully also find distribution abroad ….. And I am particularly curious about Shubigi Rao’s Pulp -series, the third volume of which (out of a planned five) won the Creative Nonfiction in English prize. (Posted by: M.A.Orthofer) – permanent link – Prix Sade finalists They’ve announced the finalists for this year’s prix Sade, awarded for a book: “déjoue l’ordre moral et se veut hors des carcans de la littérature et de la société” (which: ‘thwarts the moral order and aims to break free from the shackles of literature and society’) — surely something we can all get on board with. (Alas, they don’t have a dedicated website, just a … F*c*book page ?!??) What’s most noteworthy about this year’s selection process is that they’ve gone through three rounds but have eschewed the usual progression from long- to short- to finalists list: In May they announced their ‘first selection’ ( see ) — selecting nine titles In June they announced their second cut ( see ) — which did not so much cut as add titles, bringing the total under consideration to thirteen So what about the just-announced list of finalists ( see ) ? Yes, there are now nineteen titles in the final running ….. It’s good to see they’re … open-minded, willing to add titles they overlooked before, and this is not entirely unheard of with French literary prizes, where titles are occasionally added to the mix after the original longlist — but I’ve never come across it at anywhere near this scale. I’m pleased to see more books — some intriguing-sounding titles here, not least the French tranlsation of Undinė Radzevičiūtė’s Grožio ir blogio biblioteka , which sounds fun […]

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