Three Creative Writing Professors Publish Books This Fall at Graywolf Press


Ander Monson, Bojan Louis, and Manuel Muñoz, faculty members in the University of Arizona’s acclaimed Creative Writing MFA Program – which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year – have books published this fall by Graywolf Press , a leading independent publisher. A deep dive into Predator and male American culture First up is Ander […]

One Book, One Community writing open


NEW PHILADELPHIA − Tuscarawas County Writers Guild and Tuscarawas County Literacy Coalition are sponsoring a community writing contest for teens and adults. The contest is part of the 2022 Tuscarawas County One Book, One Community project. The essay topic for the contest is “Broken Crayons Still Color: How Did You Find Peace After a Tragedy?” […]

Two local writers pen new books


Picture are Lelia Moskowitz, author of “Growland,” and Kathy Wollenberg, author of “Far Less.” (Photo by Janine Volkmar) Lelia Moskowitz, author of “Growland,” and Kathy Wollenberg, author of “Far Less,” have been part of a writing group since 2003, and both wrote novels published by The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt in 2020 just as […]

Top Tips on How to Be Motivated While Writing Essays?

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Even though essay writing is a necessary component of school and college activities, most people hate doing it. It can be challenging to plan them, begin writing, and complete them quickly, particularly if you are not a talented writer or can’t hire an essay writer now. It can be stressful enough to focus on your […]

Poor English skills? New AIs help researchers to write better

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When Yanina Bellini Saibene began her career in data science at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology in La Pampa, Argentina, she was not fluent in English. She had learnt a little English at secondary school, but her family couldn’t afford the extra courses she would have needed to master the language, and at university […]

Post your Prose and Poetry NOW! Songwriting, Screenwriting & Stage Plays [coming soon] Post
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