‘Not Dead Yet’ review: Gina Rodriguez plays an obituary writer who sees ghosts


Gina Rodriguez stars as a newspaper obituary writer who sees ghosts — specifically of the people about whom she’s writing on the ABC single-camera sitcom “Not Dead Yet.” (Lara Solank/ABC) An alternate title for the ABC comedy “Not Dead Yet” could have been “I See Dead People.” Such is the case for Nell (Gina Rodriguez), […]

ChatGPT is Not the End of Writing

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A longtime university president and writing expert advises against banning the new AI bot — but to use it to teach more effective thinking that is purely human A Writer’s Resource, my co-authored college writing textbook, is about to be published in its seventh edition. While putting the finishing touches on the Instructor’s Manual, we […]

Review: Center Rep’s ‘Red Bike’ is liberated writing


Nowhere but America could have created the setting of “Red Bike.” Not long ago, the town was rural. The old bus driver remembers corn and wheat; driving along, he points out a part of town that “used to be happening.” Even now, a lonely water tower stands out on the skyline, and the rest of […]

Marcel Proust on What Writing Is

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Marcel Proust died of pneumonia at fifty-one, in Paris, on November 18th, and last year was the centenary of his death. Since I first read “ In Search of Lost Time,” his immense and unique autobiographical novel, a long passage about what writing is—from “ Time Regained,” the seventh and last volume—has stayed with me. […]

Kathie Giorgio’s Creative Space for Writers Everywhere

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As a long-time writer and educator, Kathie Giorgio is no stranger to the emotional impact words can have. The importance of a good piece of writing and how a story can uplift, inspire, and change one’s life is not lost on her, as she uses her talent for the best possible task: to share it […]

Tell Me About Yourself: On Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s “Cure”

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You say: I am not free. But I have lifted my hand and let it fall. Everyone understands that this illogical reply is an irrefutable demonstration of freedom. — Leo Tolstoy IN CURE, Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s oracular depiction of how we repress our natural inclination for violence, free will is just a chimera. It is a […]

How to free your writing with free writing

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Timed free-writing — no stopping, no correcting, no fretting — can leapfrog mental paralysis to a “shitty” but valuable first draft of Korrina Duffy’s free-write notebook. Pen poised. Go! Free writing is for when you need to write the damn thing already. If you, like many, have a bad case of blank page syndrome, free […]

Three Is a More Interesting Number than Two: A Conversation with Maggie Millner

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It’s easy to feel happy for a friend who has suddenly, seemingly irrevocably, fallen in love. It’s just as easy to wonder, privately, if they might, one day, fall out of it. Love stories, like rhymes, are initially generative. Both begin with the promise of infinite possibility: the couple–and the couplet–could go anywhere! But anywhere […]

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