13 Best iPad Writing Apps [in 2023]

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Writing apps can create documents, reports, essays, Novels, Books and more. These apps also come with features such as spell check, grammar check, different text formatting options, and the ability to share or collaborate on documents with others. We have compiled 13 best writing apps for iPad with a different set of features for different […]

The Staffroom: Helping learners develop their writer’s voice

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For my chapter in Great FE Teaching, I explored teaching adult literacy in a women’s center. Here, I want to show that the ideas I set out about learners developing their writer’s voice are relevant to any setting and that we can use writing about the familiar to remove some of the learning burdens when […]

Love Songs: “Aguacero”

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This week, the Review is publishing a series of short reflections on love songs, broadly defined. The first time I felt tropical rain was an erotic revelation: I was nine, visiting family in Puerto Rico on a Carnival cruise. At home in California, the rain was cold feet and flooded freeways. But on the island, […]

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