3 Ways To Use AI for Screenwriting (Other Than Writing a Bad Script)

3 ways to use a.i. for screenwriting other than writing a bad script

Let’s confront the elephant in the room of this discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI) screenwriting programs are incapable of producing great scripts. Although there’s a prevailing notion on social media that AI will soon take over the screenwriting industry, it’s essential not to be swayed by the hype of AI writing. I’ve been fortunate enough to […]

Self-Study, Becoming American and the Art of Translation

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“Lezende jongen,” by Frans Hals Molly Young is on leave for the next several months. In her absence, colleagues from the Book Review will pick up the recommendation torch and appear in your inbox every two Saturdays. Dear readers, Every book lover is an autodidact at times; it goes with the territory. There are risks […]

ChatGPT showed me just how far it is from writing a blockbuster

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10,000 hours. That’s how long, at least according to author Malcolm Gladwell, it’s supposed to take to master a craft. Or, if you’re an AI a matter of months, weeks, or days. When I read that is now such an adept writer it’s on Amazon’s self-publishing service, I experienced a mini freakout. To be clear, […]

Bestselling thriller writer launches new detective series set in San Diego

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Author Karen Rose and her book “Cold Blooded Liar.” Florida author Karen Rose will make a virtual appearance at Warwick’s on Thursday to promote her new book: “Cold Blooded Liar” In another life, Karen Rose would have been a travel writer. At one point in her life, working as a chemical engineer, she says she […]

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