10 Tips to Help You Save Your Time as a Writer

10 Tips to Help You Save Your Time as a Writer

It won’t be easy for you to achieve your writing goals if you cannot boost your productivity. You need to follow a plan that can help you get the most done in a short time. Here are ten actionable tips that will help you write better and faster – keep reading! Click here to view […]

Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

The sixth annual Highlands Writer’s Conference was held on March 11 in the GHC Cartersville campus Student Center and STEAM building. Writers of all genres from the local community and the GHC student body attended to listen to the expertise of published authors, resulting in a turnout of over 75 in-person attendees with more that […]

How to Use AI to Improve Your Writing

How to Use AI to Improve Your Writing

Every knowledge worker I know is totally mesmerized by the idea of writing content with AI. I’ve tried it for a while now and it can be helpful. But if you use AI without a good strategy, you will simply waste your time. For example, look at what Jasper AI wrote as an intro paragraph […]

How to Write True Crime In 4 Essential Steps

How to Write True Crime In 4 Essential Steps

Since more people than ever before are interested in true crime stories, you might have wondered how to write true crime and what it takes to be successful. Out of all the book genres in the world, true crime requires a lot of research and a committed writer who is ready to tell the story […]

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