What I learned about writing from Tina Turner: Rough writing is good

What I learned about writing from Tina Turner: Rough writing is good

Tina Turner performs at The Sprint Center in Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) It is a Saturday morning and I have just finished playing a song on my 100-year-old upright piano. For the record, the piano is in better shape than I am. The song is “Proud Mary,” written and […]

The best unhinged books to read while smiling on a beach.

The best unhinged books to read while smiling on a beach.

As the sun climbs, people are folding their linens into packing cubes and squaring a nice good beach read on top—something to sink into in the glare of the Caribbean sun, or squint at through oversized sunglasses. Get yer sizzling beach reads! yells the internet ( us included, needless to say our list is the […]

From the Ashes of Failure: On Cary Grant, Crop Dusters, and Character Arcs

From the Ashes of Failure: On Cary Grant, Crop Dusters, and Character Arcs

Alfred Hitchcock’s 1959 masterpiece North by Northwest was born from the ashes of failure. Hitch needed a hit after the disappointing box office of 1958’s Vertigo . He and screenwriter Ernest Lehman were assigned to write an adaptation of the novel The Wreck of the Mary Deare . The two men worked for weeks but […]

Boundaries Dissolve: Joanna Biggs on Reading Ferrante With Other Women

Boundaries Dissolve: Joanna Biggs on Reading Ferrante With Other Women

It felt as if everyone was reading Ferrante in the summer of 2015. Truly everyone. And we all wanted to talk about it. I felt guilty that I would be the one reviewing it, getting to have my say, when we were all reading it, all having our own experiences. One of the appealing things […]

Line for (Picket) Line: How Authors Are Standing With the WGA

Line for (Picket) Line: How Authors Are Standing With the WGA

Editors note: Some comments were edited for length and clarity. When the Writers Guild of America went on strike on Tuesday, May 2nd, authors were right there with them. Some joined the picket lines as card-carrying Guild members; some put projects they’d had in development with major studios on indefinite hold; some jumped into their […]

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