5 tips to boost engagement and improve writing

5 tips to boost engagement and improve writing

There’s no denying it, teaching writing can be daunting. Now add to that the challenge of disengaged students – or worse, students that don’t even want to go to school – and it becomes an impossible task. Yet according to AERO CEO, Dr Jenny Donovan: “Writing is the foundation skill that students require to understand […]

Your Life as Writing Guide in Sepetys’ ‘You: The Story’

Your Life as Writing Guide in Sepetys' 'You: The Story'

Note: Ruta Sepetys will discuss her book ‘You: The Story’ in conversation with Katie McDougall, Co-Founder and Co-Director of The Porch on Saturday, July 15 at 10:30 a.m. at the Museum as part of the TN Writers | TN Stories: Author Talks at the State Museum series, presented in partnership with Humanities Tennessee, Chapter 16 […]

The Writer’s Block: Sparks’ Ron and Russell Mael

The Writer’s Block: Sparks’ Ron and Russell Mael

Taking some cues from the Marx Brothers, the Mael Brothers have remained rooted in all manners Sparks . With Ron’s stone-faced Charles Chaplin-like facade and Russell’s flamboyantly delivered falsetto, the pair channel the essence of the early 20th-century sibling comedy troupe. More than 50 years since the release of their eponymous 1971 debut, the Maels […]

Stranger Than Fiction: When Your Life Starts to Resemble Your Novel

Stranger Than Fiction: When Your Life Starts to Resemble Your Novel

On a summer night twenty-nine years ago Mark, my then boyfriend and now husband, and I were in our second-floor apartment. Mark was ironing a week’s worth of dress shirts for his job as a clinical psychologist at a well-known psychiatric hospital. The windows were open, and the shades were up. A cheap portable radio […]

Ten Books That Slouch Toward the Total Pain of Desire

Ten Books That Slouch Toward the Total Pain of Desire

My favorite writing, to read and to make, is about the abjection of desire. In books, I want sex that’s needy, greedy, lonely, pathetically succumbent to the allness of nothingness, sad, icky, and bad. I want all the ways that fucking can be fucked up. Many standards of this sort—Kathy Acker, Samuel R. Delaney, Mary […]

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