Writer John McPhee on his book ‘Tabula Rasa’

Social Media / Community Strategist

Great writers often have notes for ideas that never quite fully bake. Those notes may not have become books, poems or stories yet, but they continue to simmer in the writers’ imaginations, waiting for the chance to catch fire and take form – maybe that would be flambe. Our next guest can help me fix […]

Life, Disturbed: On Nicole Flattery’s “Nothing Special”

Life, Disturbed: On Nicole Flattery’s “Nothing Special”

IN 1965, Andy Warhol began recording his conversations with Robert Olivo, better known as the actor Ondine, as well as Lou Reed, Edie Sedgwick, and a whole roster of other regulars at the Factory, the studio Warhol kept in New York City. The artist had decided to write a novel, a contemporary riposte to James […]

‘A sunny place for shady people’: Crime writer Liz Nugent on living in Monaco

‘A sunny place for shady people’: Crime writer Liz Nugent on living in Monaco

Monte Carlo, where Liz Nugent spent the month of September 2016 as writer-in-residence at the Princess Grace Ireland Library. Photograph: iStock It sounds like an unlikely twist in an airport blockbuster: a best-selling author travels to Monaco to work on a novel set on the French Riviera only to be almost mown down by a […]

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