August 1–7: What We’re Doing Next Week

August 1–7: What We’re Doing Next Week

Manhattan Beach Six-Man Volleyball Tournament. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Licensed under CCO 3.0. Soon it will be August in New York City, a period when everyone is theoretically out of town—they’re always saying this, anyway, in books like August by Judith Rossner. This is mostly a fiction, that everyone’s at their country house and everything […]

How My Library Patrons Unexpectedly Helped Me Finish My Novel

How My Library Patrons Unexpectedly Helped Me Finish My Novel

In September of 2020, I started working more regularly at my local library, and not exactly on purpose. It was a tumultuous time: the world was reeling from COVID-related chaos, illness, and death, and our country was beginning to reckon, finally, with racially motivated murders by police. In the midst of this, I had my […]

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