A Summary and Analysis of Franz Kafka’s ‘The Silence of the Sirens’

Social Media / Community Strategist

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘The Silence of the Sirens’ is a very short story by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), written in 1917 but doomed, like so much of his work, to languish in his notebooks before being published after his death. This retelling of a famous myth from classical antiquity is idiosyncratic and worthy […]

On giving your creative work the time it needs

On giving your creative work the time it needs

Writer, teacher, and publisher Jennifer Lewis discusses being present, not being precious, getting better with age, and what you can learn from helping others. Your short story collection just came out, and you also run Red Light Lit which is both an event series for the community, and a small press. I know you also […]

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