The Labor of Being: A Conversation with Bojan Louis

The Labor of Being: A Conversation with Bojan Louis

THE LABOR OF BEING lies at the heart of Sinking Bell , Bojan Louis’s first short-story collection, which made NPR’s list of “Books We Love” from 2022. In the context of genocidal colonialism, forced assimilation, and the cultural erasure of Diné voices, existing at all constitutes an act of strength. While history necessarily marks these […]

7 Books With A Dark Playfulness

7 Books With A Dark Playfulness

Photo by Hasnain Babar on Unsplash I can’t usually stomach full-fledged horror, but give me a flicker of the unsettling or otherworldly in literature and I’m hooked. There’s no idyllic suburb in which I’m not looking for a barbaric ritual, or a new friend whose eyes I’m not searching for some terrible secret. In the […]

What You Should Be Reading This Summer According to Indie Booksellers

What You Should Be Reading This Summer According to Indie Booksellers

Photo by Markos Mant via Unsplash There’s something inherently magical about reading in the summer. Perhaps it dates back to those formative elementary school days of furiously cataloging summer reads for the chance at winning a free personal pizza, but the words “summer” and “reading” bring only positive associations to mind. With only a few […]

Julia Cameron on Learning to Write Sober

Julia Cameron on Learning to Write Sober

This first appeared in Lit Hub’s Craft of Writing newsletter— sign up here . “How do I write sober?” was the big question that sobriety raised. I told the alcoholics who were helping me, “If it comes down to a choice between my creativity and my sobriety, I don’t know that I will choose sobriety.” […]

On the Exponential Difficulty of Juggling Many Narrative Voices

On the Exponential Difficulty of Juggling Many Narrative Voices

In my writing, I often begin a scene by drafting two versions of the same event: the event as it would look captured on camera, the “view from nowhere,” in as much as such a thing can ever exist—and then the scene as witnessed by a primary character. What do they focus on? What is […]

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