The best spooky reads for summer, according to a horror writer

Social Media / Community Strategist

AYESHA RASCOE, HOST: You listeners out there know I love a good scare. So for our series asking authors for summer reading recommendations, we had to get some picks to keep us reading through the nights with all the lights on. And Joe Hill has definitely scared me. He’s the author of “The Black Phone” […]

A Summary and Analysis of Kate Chopin’s ‘The Kiss’

Social Media / Community Strategist

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘The Kiss’ is a short story by the American writer Kate Chopin (1850-1904), written in a single day (19 September 1894) and published in Vogue magazine the following June. (Chopin was paid just $10 for the story.) ‘The Kiss’ is about a woman who is passionately attracted to one […]

John Giordanengo turned a business school revelation into research on two global systems

John Giordanengo turned a business school revelation into research on two global systems

John H. Giordanengo was drawn to Colorado in ’96 to study ecological restoration at Colorado State University, and never left. His business and nonprofit work in Colorado, economics research and investigative interviews across the globe, and three decades of ecological experience are interwoven in “Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies.” This book serves as […]

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