A Summary and Analysis of Isaac Asimov’s ‘The Machine That Won the War’

Social Media / Community Strategist

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘The Machine That Won the War’ is a 1961 short story by the science-fiction author Isaac Asimov (1920-92). The story is set shortly after Earth and its associated worlds have won a war against an enemy civilisation known as the Denebians. A vast computer named Multivac is credited with […]

Western welcomes Téa Mutonji as new writer-in-residence

Western welcomes Téa Mutonji as new writer-in-residence

Award-winning poet and writer Téa Mutonji is Western’s incoming writer-in-residence. (Sarah Bodri photo) As Western’s incoming writer-in-residence, Téa Mutonji feels right at home, relating to students. The award-winning poet and author is a student herself, currently pursuing her MFA in the low-residency creative writing program at NYU, where she was awarded the 2021 Jill Davis […]

On the Difficulty of Getting Rid of Books

On the Difficulty of Getting Rid of Books

The time had come again. The little white bookshelf in the dining room, two shelves, three feet wide, was full. Overly full. The books were stacked in columns, bottom edges rather than spines showing, each shelf crammed tight. Elsewhere in our compact flat, a few other piles of books bubbled up like springs. These are […]

Mirror Images: 4 Picture Books About Seeing Our Reflections

Mirror Images: 4 Picture Books About Seeing Our Reflections

A panoramic illustration shows a young Black girl in a tutu pushing forward out of a pool of her own tears as if doing the breaststroke. Floating on top of the water beneath her are some of the words that have made her cry: “too big,” “cow,” “ha ha,” “moose.” “The first time I looked […]



The following is from xxx’s Lojman . Ojen was born in 1981 to Kurdish parents in Malatya, Turkey. In 2014, Ojen published her striking debut novel, Aşı (Vaccine) , about a state-sponsored vaccine campaign in an imaginary Kurdish village. That same year, Ojen was recognized among the ten most important emerging voices in Turkish literature. […]

How meme culture changed comedy writing.

How meme culture changed comedy writing.

Do memes live rent-free in your head? The Workaholic writers’ room famously kept whiteboards of “over-done jokes” that were verboten. From edge to edge, you can find bits of brain decay dating back several years like rings on the brittle stump of pop culture: “Too soon?” “Laughy McLaugherson.” “We have fun.” “That’s not a thing.” […]

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