Life Concentrated: Kate Brody on Writing About the Internet

Life Concentrated: Kate Brody on Writing About the Internet

For years, I avoided technology in my work. Despite my poor research habits, I’d set stories in the decades before my own birth, or worse, I’d construct the literary equivalent of a black box, a setting devoid of temporal artifacts where eternal human struggles could play out without the interference of pesky cell phones. This […]

A Tasting Menu with a Bit of Noma in Its DNA

A Tasting Menu with a Bit of Noma in Its DNA

You’re reading the Food Scene newsletter, Helen Rosner’s guide to what, where, and how to eat. Sign up to receive it in your in-box. Midway through a recent meal at Ilis, a new, dramatic tasting-menu restaurant run by the Danish chef Mads Refslund, I looked up from a piece of carmine-red bigeye tuna loin, mirror-glazed […]

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