How To Write a Love Letter That’ll Melt Their Heart

How To Write a Love Letter That’ll Melt Their Heart

Almaje//Getty Images A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in a day and age where pictures are plentiful and the written word a lost art, a handwritten letter is worth a thousand pictures. Take that handwritten letter a step further and make it a love letter, and you’ve got yourself a priceless memento […]

Fictionalizing Real Trauma as a Means of Healing

Fictionalizing Real Trauma as a Means of Healing

When I was nineteen and a college junior, I spent what was supposed to be an exotic, sultry, educational summer semester in Madrid. But my long-term boyfriend back home and I had recently broken up, and instead of being excited by my new surroundings, I was miserable. All I wanted to do was to talk […]

A Summary and Analysis of ‘Wild Nights! Wild Nights!’

A Summary and Analysis of ‘Wild Nights! Wild Nights!’

‘Wild nights – Wild nights!’ The energy and exultation with which Emily Dickinson opens this, one of her most passionately felt poems, encourages us to share the excitement and passion, or at least dares us to try to resist it. Although this is not perhaps the opening line of Emily Dickinson’s that most readily springs […]

David Greenspan Peers Beyond the Veil in Joey Merlo’s Eerie One-Person Show

David Greenspan Peers Beyond the Veil in Joey Merlo’s Eerie One-Person Show

Rachel Syme Staff writer You’re reading the Goings On newsletter, a guide to what we’re watching, listening to, and doing this week. Sign up to receive it in your in-box. In 1966, the same year the writer Truman Capote published his masterpiece, the true-crime epic “ In Cold Blood ,” excerpted in this magazine in […]

Professor Lisa Hiton on writing workshop philosophy

Professor Lisa Hiton on writing workshop philosophy

Visiting assistant professor Lisa Hiton feels drawn to teaching because of its similarities to writing. Lisa Hiton’s obsession these days is slow discourse. Waking up late and sipping on a hot cup of coffee in bed. Sitting in the Amtrak quiet car and gazing at the moving figures out the window with a pen and […]

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