The Writing Is What Matters

Social Media / Community Strategist

I am in the midst of revising a book about writing, which has me simultaneously thinking about writing in the context of what I’m saying in the book and reflecting on the writing I am doing as the book is being written. This has surfaced a desire to get a little Zen on y’all regarding […]

AutoMatters & More: Bard AI by Google as a tool for writing

AutoMatters & More: Bard AI by Google as a tool for writing

Until I ventured inside the sprawling Google exhibit at CES 2024, I had been unaware of Bard AI. As a writer, I was intrigued to learn that it can write documents based on what it learns from a variety of sources. While I have no interest whatsoever in giving Bard topics and asking it to […]

How to use Perplexity Pro to improve your writing and content creation

How to use Perplexity Pro to improve your writing and content creation

Using Perplexity Pro for copywriting and content creation If you are searching for ways to improve your writing, copywriting or content creation, you will already know that finding the right tools to craft compelling copy is essential. Thanks to the explosion of artificial intelligence over the last 18 months there are now plenty of different […]

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