Ananda Devi and Callie Siskel Recommend

Ananda Devi and Callie Siskel Recommend

John William Waterhouse, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons . When I read Katie Kitamura’s Intimacies , a novel about an interpreter at the International Court of Justice, I found myself underlining every page. Perhaps the identity crisis of the narrator—“I was repulsed, to find myself so permeable”—had transferred to me. Or perhaps the clarity of […]

Where Did You Go, Eileen? On Ottessa Moshfegh and William Oldroyd’s Adaptation

Where Did You Go, Eileen? On Ottessa Moshfegh and William Oldroyd’s Adaptation

“ONLY A MASSIVE shock would wake him up,” Eileen thinks after killing a woman with tranquilizers and deciding to frame her father. “If he believed he’d killed an innocent woman, that might be enough to shake him. Then he might see the light, accept the truth of his condition.” Eileen (2015) is difficult to read, […]

Chelsea Wolfe’s Eclectic Hauntings

Chelsea Wolfe’s Eclectic Hauntings

The forty-year-old musician Chelsea Wolfe has roots in folk and country, but her music is imbued with the sonic weight of doom metal, with sludgy guitars and droning bass notes that sound as though they are crawling out from underground. Through seven studio albums, she has made a career operating outside the bounds of genre […]

The Physics of Fiction: How Art and Science Inspire Each Other

The Physics of Fiction: How Art and Science Inspire Each Other

While much science fiction is based on theoretical physics, occasionally literature returns the favor and inspires scientific ideas. A perfect symbiosis between the two came about in the early 1980s, when astronomer-turned-novelist Carl Sagan was researching his fictional work Contact and turned to his friend physicist Kip Thorne for advice. Sagan wished to devise a […]

White Rat

White Rat

The following is from Gayl Jones’ White Rat . Jones was born in Kentucky in 1949. Her books include Corregidora, Eva’s Man, Mosquito, and The Healing, the last a National Book Award finalist and New York Times Notable Book of the Year as well as Palmares , a Pulitzer Prize finalist, and the recently published […]

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