5 ways LibreOffice meets my writing needs better than Google Docs can

5 ways LibreOffice meets my writing needs better than Google Docs can

Reading Time: 1 Min.I’ve been writing for more than 30 years. I guess that makes me somewhat of an expert. During those three-plus decades, the one document tool I’ve depended on the most hasn’t changed all that much. OK, let me clarify that. Also: Thinking about switching to Linux? 10 things you need to know […]

Guiding Students in Special Education to Generate Ideas for Writing

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

Reading Time: 1 Min.When students are stuck, breaking the brainstorming stage down into separate steps can help them get started writing. Most students don’t have too much trouble following the traditional steps of the writing process: brainstorm, outline, and draft, then revise and edit. Some students, though, get stuck in the brainstorming phase. As a […]

How to Unleash Your Writing Potential with Google Gemini

How to Unleash Your Writing Potential with Google Gemini

Reading Time: 1 Min.Google Gemini Google Gemini represents the pinnacle of language model innovation, standing as a prominent component of Google’s continuously expanding arsenal of artificial intelligence technologies. Designed to offer unparalleled assistance , Gemini elevates the writing experience for a diverse range of users, including bloggers, content creators, novelists, or anyone eager to refine […]

Am I the Literary Asshole: Do You Have to Finish a Book to Blurb It?

Am I the Literary Asshole: Do You Have to Finish a Book to Blurb It?

Reading Time: 1 Min. Welcome to the fourth edition of Am I the Literary Asshole, the only biweekly “advice” column that asks you to consider the fact that “it’s five o’clock somewhere” is the true existential quandary of our time. RIP Jimmy Buffett, you would have loved the open bar at my wedding. I’ve been […]

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