A Summary and Analysis of ‘Dialogue with the Mirror’

A Summary and Analysis of ‘Dialogue with the Mirror’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘Dialogue with the Mirror’ is a 1949 short story by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. Published when he was just twenty-two years old, it is an early work written when Márquez was still finding his way towards his mature style. In the story, a man looks at himself […]

Tom Hanks Reviews a Tale Told by a Typewriter

Tom Hanks Reviews a Tale Told by a Typewriter

Credit…Allie Sullberg OLIVETTI, by Allie Millington Typewriters — the manually powered writing machines once made by Remington, Underwood and Royal — are wondrous things. To see their magic in action, try this trick: Set a typewriter out on a table with a sheet of paper pre-rolled into its carriage, and wait. Nearly every child, and […]

Why I Chose to Be the Cover Model for My Own Novel

Why I Chose to Be the Cover Model for My Own Novel

In 2021 a man on an island approached me and asked me if I was trans. When I said yes, he told me “I could barely tell, you’ve become very attractive to men, you must feel like you’ve reached your goal.” Playing with the male gaze seems to be a losing battle. You get judged […]

A.I. Chatbot, Will You Be My Friend? Seven Stories of Robot-Human Relationships

A.I. Chatbot, Will You Be My Friend? Seven Stories of Robot-Human Relationships

Smart robots have populated fiction for generations, but now with artificial intelligence exploding around us, we’re seeing more titles than ever that grapple with this technology. In the following novels and stories, authors delve into personal relationships between humans and A.I. consciousnesses that may or may not inhabit bodies. Themes of loneliness, love, personhood, and […]

Lisa Ko: How Writing a Novel is Like Wandering a Flea Market

Lisa Ko: How Writing a Novel is Like Wandering a Flea Market

This first appeared in Lit Hub’s Craft of Writing newsletter— sign up here . I never start a novel knowing where I’m going. I don’t write linearly, and not in clear, numbered drafts, from a beginning to an end. I gather and cut and gather some more. I call it the flea market process of […]

Chants of the Erotomane: On Wayne Koestenbaum’s “Stubble Archipelago”

Chants of the Erotomane: On Wayne Koestenbaum’s “Stubble Archipelago”

Stubble Archipelago by Wayne Koestenbaum I’M ALWAYS WARY of claiming this or that critical statement, to be unearthed in this or that essay or letter or diary entry, should serve as a passe-partout to a writer’s project as a whole. And I don’t want to make that claim here either—or at least, not exactly. But […]

The Power of Darkness: How Night Skies Inspire Creative Thoughts

The Power of Darkness: How Night Skies Inspire Creative Thoughts

In the summer of 1957, Daphne du Maurier was riding high. Her latest book, The Scapegoat , had been lapped up by the critics she most respected, and a film adaptation was under way. Even better, her favorite actor (the legendary Alec Guinness) had been cast in the lead role, and the script was being […]

Exclusive Cover Reveal of “Book of Kin” by Darius Atefat-Peckham

Exclusive Cover Reveal of “Book of Kin” by Darius Atefat-Peckham

Electric Literature is pleased to reveal the cover for the poetry collection Book of Kin by Darius Atefat-Peckham, which will be published by Autumn House Press on Oct. 25, 2024. Preorder the book here . A debut collection that draws on the poet’s Iranian heritage to process life-altering loss and grief. Darius Atefat-Peckham’s debut poetry […]

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