Using Variety to Support Writing in Middle School
Middle school students may get inspired about writing if they’re offered exercises that support different methods of expression. June 18, 2024 Photo of middle school student taking notes LumiNola /iStock Teachers and students might have a range of feelings about writing instruction, from excitement to anxiety. The purpose of this post is to share how […]
Ananda Lima on Conquering Pre-Publication Anxiety With Crafting
I am not a crafty person. I am clumsy, disoriented, spatially confused. I sometimes have to pause and think to identify where left and right are (touching the writing callus on my finger). I need to rotate the map on my phone precisely so that it matches the landmarks I see in order to find […]
How Much of This is True? On the Subtle Nuances of Memoir and Autofiction
“We are all unreliable narrators, recounting our stories through the filters of perception and memory.” When my first book, a memoir about my time in the Marines called Eat the Apple , was published back in 2018, I did an event at Powell’s with a fellow writer, Matt Robinson, who’d written an amazing collection of […]
7 Funny Essays Collections By and About Millennial Women
Screenshot from HBO’s Girls, the voice of a generation You may or may not realize it, but the 1990s weren’t just a few years ago, not even just twenty years ago. Though the style has been resurrected of late by younger generations eager to grift the gritty grunge and combat boots of the final decade […]
A Hot, Fraught Cape Cod Family Drama
The illustration shows a family seated or standing in various poses around a picnic table near a beach waterfront. The palette is mostly a wash of colored pencils in yellow, blue, red and pink. SANDWICH , by Catherine Newman Occasionally a writer comes along who seems able to turn every domestic triumph and tear, every […]