Flynn Berry on an Underrated Tool for Character Development: Grocery Shopping

Flynn Berry on an Underrated Tool for Character Development: Grocery Shopping

This first appeared in Lit Hub’s Craft of Writing newsletter— sign up here . I always take my characters grocery shopping when I’m working on a novel. I like to push a cart around a supermarket, deciding what my character will buy. It’s the single best way for me to understand a character well enough […]

If You Lose Your Hearing, How Does the World Around You Change?

If You Lose Your Hearing, How Does the World Around You Change?

Photo by Lance Anderson on Unsplash If you lose your hearing, how does the world around you change? What contours of one-on-one conversations become harder to make out, what details of a bustling room come into sharper focus? What creature comforts do you stubbornly cling to all the while? Adèle Rosenfeld’s Jellyfish Have No Ears […]

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