Asking Eric: Readers respond to a letter writer who swore off dating due to ED

Asking Eric: Readers respond to a letter writer who swore off dating due to ED

Dear Readers: Letter writer “Single By Choice” asked for advice relating to his choice to swear off dating after an erectile dysfunction diagnosis. Many responses poured in. What struck me about every single one of the responses was how empathetic and solution-focused they were. I’m sharing five of the replies in hopes that they inspire […]

On Writing Slowly

On Writing Slowly

I wasn’t always a slow writer. I had to train myself to be one. In graduate school, I only wrote for deadlines, avoiding writing until I had to turn in a story for workshop. After I graduated with an MFA in the early 2000s, I worked as a secretary in the office of the Creative […]

A Tender Ode to a 1960s ‘Women’s Hotel’

A Tender Ode to a 1960s ‘Women’s Hotel’

The cover of “Women’s Hotel” shows an illustration of a light pink, 11-story building with many windows, and red awnings on the ground floor. The author’s name appears in black type along a yellow strip running down the right side of the building. WOMEN’S HOTEL , by Daniel M. Lavery It’s the 1960s, and New […]

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