Relearning My Love For Creative Writing After Serious Burn Out

Relearning My Love For Creative Writing After Serious Burn Out

Relearning My Love For Creative Writing After Serious Burn Out 1 This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter. I first fell in love with the art of writing through reading. As a child, I was an avid reader, always eager for trips to the bookstore, the thrift […]

Stephen King Almost Stopped Writing Horror Books After One Of His Biggest Hits

Stephen King Almost Stopped Writing Horror Books After One Of His Biggest Hits

Stephen King’s mastery over horror is indisputable. The author’s horror-focused stories have a way of crawling into our psyches and staying there, appealing to both morbid curiosities and integral truths about the human condition. There is a reason why King’s works are molded into cinematic adaptations time and again , even when some stories inherently […]

Do You Remember School?

Do You Remember School?

I have been thinking about memory these days, because I have been gathering contributions for Class Notes from my classmates at the Brearley School. Seven contributions have come in, either instantly or, after many weeks, reluctantly. They are long or short, emotional or matter-of-fact, describing adventures abroad or hard work at home, and now my […]

Writers: How to Avoid Constantly Being Interrupted—And When to Embrace It

Writers: How to Avoid Constantly Being Interrupted—And When to Embrace It

Illustration by Molly Fairhurst/Narratively archive You’ve done what feels like the hardest part of writing: You’ve sat down to actually do the thing, gotten through those first sticky words and finally your writing is flowing. Then your phone buzzes, the leaf blower next door starts up, you remember you need to make that doctor’s appointment. […]



Credit…Anna Parini , by Sarah LaBrie In March 2017, Sarah LaBrie, a TV writer living in Los Angeles, received a phone call from her grandmother, who unspooled an alarming thread of calamities suggesting that LaBrie’s mother was suffering from severe mental illness. She had been found parked on the side of the freeway in Houston, […]

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