AI backlash: People developing a growing distaste for robot-generated writing

AI backlash: People developing a growing distaste for robot-generated writing

AI robot writing (© Emmy Ljs – GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Can you spot an article written by artificial intelligence? It’s not as easy as you might think. Whether you’re able to discover robot-generated content or not, a new study finds the mere suggestion that something was written by AI is enough to anger people […]



Credit…Enda Bowe/Guardian/eyevine, via Redux MY GOOD BRIGHT WOLF: A Memoir , by Sarah Moss “ You won’t think your way out of this , your therapist says,” Sarah Moss writes toward the end of her powerfully original and unsettling memoir about anorexia. “ You have to act, and it will be difficult and uncomfortable and […]

Julie Sedivy on Amplifying the Pleasure of Language

Julie Sedivy on Amplifying the Pleasure of Language

This first appeared in Lit Hub’s Craft of Writing newsletter— sign up here . As a young linguistics professor, I once had a woman come up to me after the first lecture of a course I was teaching. She let me know she wouldn’t be continuing with the class. She was a poet, she said […]

A Painter Is Being Beaten: Freud and Kantarovsky

A Painter Is Being Beaten: Freud and Kantarovsky

Saya Kantarovsky, Removal, 2018, oil and watercolor on linen, 55 ¼ x 40 ¼ in. Copyright the artist, courtesy the artist. Photograph by Adam Reich. “A Child Is Being Beaten” is the strange title of Freud’s 1919 paper on sexual fantasy. This sentence, one of sadomasochistic, masturbatory enjoyment and announced from an unspecified source, indicates […]

The Right Kind of Doll: Sarah Moss on the Prides and Pressures of Girlhood

The Right Kind of Doll: Sarah Moss on the Prides and Pressures of Girlhood

“You knew… that taste was indistinguishable from morality and yours wasn’t good enough.” Other people had Barbie and Sindy dolls. You couldn’t tell the difference, they were both blonde and blue-eyed and exquisitely thin, and they both came with beguiling wardrobes of sparkly sheer synthetic fabrics, ballgowns and evening dresses, tiny high-heeled shoes for their […]

“In The Heights” playwright Quiara Alegría Hudes ’99 on writing, theater and language

“In The Heights” playwright Quiara Alegría Hudes ’99 on writing, theater and language

Courtesy of Quiara Alegría Hudes Theater — according to award-winning playwright Quiara Alegría Hudes ’99 — is an ephemeral experience. It is “a now-or-never genre, a one-time ceremony,” and for years, Hudes has dedicated herself to this artform. Hudes is a critically-acclaimed playwright, essayist and screenplay writer currently based in New York City. She is […]

Professor spotlight: The creative writing department

Professor spotlight: The creative writing department

The lounge areas in the Poetry Center are utilized by many creative writing students. Students are encouraged to borrow a book and read on the chairs. The University of Arizona has a lot to offer, with over 300 majors and a faculty of about 3000 members. With such large numbers, it’s possible that students may […]

Writing a children’s book about FA, now soon to be published

Writing a children’s book about FA, now soon to be published

main graphic for column titled Why did I write a children’s book? I’m not sure, but I know firsthand that being diagnosed with a rare disease is profoundly isolating. Because I didn’t feel I could voice that at the time, my book will now speak for me, helping others who might feel isolated, too. At […]

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