Snapshots in Verse: On Hannah Arendt’s Long-Lost Poems
Lit Hub is excited to feature another entry in a new series from : “enjambments,” a monthly interview series with new and established poets. This month, they spoke to Samantha Rose Hill and Genese Grill. Samantha Rose Hill is the editor and translator of What Remains : The Collected Poems of Hannah Arendt (Liveright […]
Explore the Secrets of SFF Writing in Inner Workings by Zack Be: Featured in the Writers of the Future eBundle!
In life, strangeness often seems to compound with additional strangeness, like dominos falling in rapid succession. The latest strange domino: Inner Workings , the first anthology I’ve had the pleasure of editing, was selected for a special eBundle curated by the Writers of the Future. This is an amazing collection of novels, novellas, and short […]