‘And Miles to Go Before I Sleep’: Robert Frost’s Haunting Line

‘And Miles to Go Before I Sleep’: Robert Frost’s Haunting Line

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) One thing which many readers of Robert Frost’s poetry may have wondered while reading his poems is: why does he repeat the same line at the end of his 1923 poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’? The repeated line ‘And miles to go before I sleep’ concludes […]

Engrossing New Historical Fiction

Engrossing New Historical Fiction

The image portrays a figure staring around a large question mark. The colors are gray, black and white. historical fiction 6 Engrossing Historical Novels to Keep the Chill Away Curl up with these transporting reads. Credit…Caroline Gamon Alida Becker was an editor at the Book Review for 30 years. She was the first winner of […]

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