Bestselling thriller writer launches new detective series set in San Diego

Author Karen Rose and her book “Cold Blooded Liar.” Florida author Karen Rose will make a virtual appearance at Warwick’s on Thursday to promote her new book: “Cold Blooded Liar” In another life, Karen Rose would have been a travel writer. At one point in her life, working as a chemical engineer, she says she once filled an entire passport and a half with stamps in just three years. There was just one issue: She was, and still is, afraid of flying. “When I was on a plane, I needed a book with me so that I wouldn’t remember that I was on a plane,” says Rose from her home in Florida. “I needed a book that would just suck me in.” It was on these trips, however, that Karen Rose, the bestselling author of more than a dozen bestselling thrillers and mysteries, was born. Intensely reading on the plane and using her downtime in hotel rooms to write her own works, Rose says she’d often have “whole movies” playing out in her head and that some story ideas would often wake her up in the middle of the night. Still, she says this casual approach to the craft helped her find her voice and “took the pressure off” of having to do anything with the stories. Then, on the verge of turning 30 years old, she says her husband finally told her that she should do something with her talent. “It took me a while to get my […]

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