Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

The sixth annual Highlands Writer’s Conference was held on March 11 in the GHC Cartersville campus Student Center and STEAM building. Writers of all genres from the local community and the GHC student body attended to listen to the expertise of published authors, resulting in a turnout of over 75 in-person attendees with more that joined over Zoom. Published authors who specialize in various genres gathered at the Writer’s Conference to lead informative sessions about their preferred genres, writing techniques, and publishing advice to the attendees that aspire to publish their own stories one day. The sessions included genres such as children’s books, memoirs, novels, and poetry. The event is sponsored by GHC and was organized and overseen by Highlands Writer’s Conference Director and Professor of English, Danielle Steele. “We really wanted to provide an opportunity for both students and community members in the area that [Georgia] Highlands serves to have an elite-level conference that they could experience… without driving to Atlanta,” Steele said. She added that it’s an opportunity for writers to learn from people who are professionals in their craft. Representatives of local writing clubs and publishing companies were present at the conference to promote their businesses and help writers. Present organizations included Cartersville Area Writer’s Group, Colorful Crow Publishing, Georgia Writers, and Broadleaf […]

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