An Interview With Writer Rachel Swearingen

An Interview With Writer Rachel Swearingen

Reading Time: <1 Min.

Swearingen’s reading will take place on Thursday, April 6th, at 6 p.m. in the Metzgar Center. It is free and open to the public. Theodore Wolf (TW) : Why do you write? What started you on your writing journey, and why do you write fiction and short stories specifically? Rachel Swearingen (RS) : I’m at a point in my writing where I’m trying to get back to those original questions. I started writing very young, and I’m not sure how it’s been for you, but for me, there were a lot of oral storytellers in my family. I loved listening to stories. When I took my first creative writing class, I realized I could write throughout my life, that I could do something I love that came naturally to me. That’s where it started, with loving hearing stories as a kid and enjoying making things up. Why short stories? I actually started out as a novelist, but I had these crazy, elaborate stories that got so out of control. I just didn’t have the chops to finish them. Also, I didn’t have enough lived experience yet. When I started taking writing classes, my instructors asked for short stories rather than novel chapters. I thought the form would be a great way to learn the craft, but I’m still learning because short stories are more challenging than […]

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