WGA Anonymous: The Only Thing ‘Mini’ About This Writer’s Room Is the Pay

WGA Anonymous: The Only Thing ‘Mini’ About This Writer’s Room Is the Pay

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On Monday, the Writers Guild of America announced a strike authorization vote , calling upon its members to decide if the guild has authority to call for a strike against the studios (AMPTP) as negotiations continue ahead of the WGA contract expiring May 1. A work stoppage of some kind looks more likely by the day. For many writers, it’s necessary. That was the case for some writers who responded to our initial anonymous conversation with a WGA member . By that point, the guild had released its Pattern of Demands, highlighting priorities of higher writers’ minimums, restoring residuals, regulating the practice of “mini rooms,” and drawing a line when it comes to AI-produced material. For the latest writer who agreed to speak anonymously to IndieWire about the challenges they’re facing, all of those topics hit home. Related This particular writer is currently a No. 2 behind a cable series showrunner. They’ve worked primarily on network and cable shows, including some long-running hits dating back to the early 2000s, and has been a guild member since 2000. They […] This veteran broadcast TV writer laments eroding residuals, disappearing opportunities for young talent, and how these negotiations compare to 2007. Are you a WGA member working in Hollywood with challenges and concerns of your own? What is your view on a potential writer’s strike? If you’d like to share your story with WGA Anonymous, reach out at bwelk@indiewire.com. Anonymity guaranteed.

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