Celebrated writer Peter Turchi talks art of crafting fiction in San Antonio

Celebrated writer Peter Turchi talks art of crafting fiction in San Antonio

Crafting a story, be it a novel or a short story, is a daunting process. From plotting to developing characters to selecting themes, it can be hard to choose where to begin. To help writers on their journey, celebrated author and creative writing professor Peter Turchi has published his latest book on the craft of fiction writing. (Don’t) Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Before is now available from Trinity University Press, combining personal narratives with examinations of published stories to “reveal how writers create the fiction that matters to us.” “I thought this would probably be my last book about writing and what I wanted to do is try to write a book that would be useful to people who either had been through a graduated program in writing and wanted more of that kind of conversation,” Turchi said, “or who would not get to a graduate program but were interested in developing their writing beyond any kind of introductory text and kind of add to the conversation about maybe more sophisticated techniques that wouldn’t necessarily come up as you’re just beginning to think about how to craft a novel.” Turchi, a professor at the University of Houston, grew up outside of Baltimore and studied creative writing at Washington College in Maryland and the University of Arizona in Phoenix. Prior to coming to Houston, he worked at Appalachian State University, and Northwestern University, and directed the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College in Ashville […]

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