Escapril: How a poetry writing challenge curates community

I remember being holed up in my room as the world around me went into a deep slumber; this was early 2020, and the pandemic was reaching our doorsteps. I spent my time in solitude, rediscovering that side of me that had always been enamored with poetry. The highest form of literature, as many call it, had always felt like a world I was not allowed into. I spent days exploring the medium in all its movements across history, and the more I learned, the more I wanted to write. To put something out there. But for whom? And to whom would I reach out if I wanted to find a community? A community for something as niche as poetry did not exist anywhere around me, so I looked online. And that’s how I stumbled onto Escapril. YouTuber, author, and, not to forget poet, Savannah Brown established Escapril as yet another writing challenge to encourage poets to write more frequently and to share their work online in hopes of garnering a community no matter how loosely tied it may be. Every year since 2019, Savannah has managed to initiate this month-long writing challenge during National Poetry Month in the US. But that has certainly not been Escapril’s sole audience— this simple Instagram writing challenge has attracted poets across the globe in droves. Follow The DailAaews channel for all the latest news. Take note: How note-taking can come in handy when […]

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