Hot Take: Historical Research Writing and History is Fun

Hot Take: Historical Research Writing and History is Fun

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus. Okay guys, here’s my homework hot-take that no one asked for: historical writing and research is fun and I am addicted . I may be a little biased because my major has everything to do with history and writing, but I still find it interesting and almost relaxing. I wouldn’t say it’s the easiest thing in the world, and it can be incredibly time consuming— especially if you have four classes all asking for a research assignment in the same week! Yet, something about investigating different events and people makes me feel like a detective, and frankly I cannot get enough of that. I could not do what the STEM girlies do. Math and science are just not for me. Sitting down and working through math equations, or memorizing the exact sequence of DNA or a chemical compound does not spell a fun time for me. Some people totally eat it up, and they should! But I know for a fact that I couldn’t bring myself to do pages of homework a day when I could just write a paper on events that already happened. Academic achievement is the type of validation I hinge myself on and seek constantly, and I know I wouldn’t get what I wanted if I had to solve equations all the time or design a machine. I would be so lost! […]

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