Why You Have 5 Seconds To Start Writing and Creating

Why You Have 5 Seconds To Start Writing and Creating

5 Mindsets To End Procrastination Immediately Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash You want to be creative and you are facing an empty page. You are determined to create something new, fresh, and exciting. And then you are stuck. You feel the great burden, fear, and resistance inside you. There are a thousand voices inside your brain that will try to prevent you from starting your writing or artwork: Where will you start? There are infinite choices ahead of you. What if you make a mistake? That would be horrible. Are you ready? It seems you have not thought this through. Do you have inspiration now? It looks like you do not. What is your exact vision? It looks like you do not have it yet. Are you talented? Where is your talent then? Are you really an artist or a writer? How come you cannot produce anything? Even if you create this, it will be mediocre at best. “The Voices In Your Head — How To Get Rid of Them”, Image Created by Author — © You know these voices inside your head, right? They are always there — ready to paralyze you and bring you down. These voices are full of bullshit. You need to learn to transcend them and move forward. You need to learn to laugh at these voices. How do you deal with these voices? How do you jump forward? How do you get out of fear and move into a flow state? In the words of Mel Robbins: “The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must count 5 4 3 2 1 and physically move, or your brain will stop you.” In this article, I will share five tips to kickstart your creative process and jump into action. Since the pandemic, I have created more than 921 Medium articles, 1020 YouTube videos, and 700 doodle pages using these five mindsets. You can also use these five mindsets to jump into action, unleash your creativity, and bring your fresh ideas to the world. 1. Stop being self-centered. This is […]

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