The TV Writer Seeking Hot Sex While on Strike

The TV Writer Seeking Hot Sex While on Strike

New York Magazine’s Sex Diaries series asks anonymous city dwellers to record a week in their sex lives — with comic, tragic, often sexy, and always revealing results. The column, which began in 2007, is the basis of a new docuseries on HBO . This week, a woman goes on a string of dates while her job is on pause: 28, single, Los Angeles. DAY ONE 11:00 a.m. Awake and feeling much less hungover than I anticipated. I don’t normally go so hard, but last night was kind of a special occasion. My long-distance best friend, R, finally moved to L.A. and we had to celebrate! I look at my phone and see that G just followed me on Instagram and sent a funny-but-super-corny response to my most recent drunk Story. I’ve gone out with G twice. I’ve had a good enough time with him (we drink, we laugh, we make out a little bit), but in the aftermath he always texts in a way that gives me the ick; his messages are very affectionate and cloying in a way that feels unearned. I thought my general lack of responsiveness these past few weeks would have sent him a message, but this late-night DM suggests otherwise. 12:00 p.m. Properly caffeinated and fed, I calculate a good brush-off text with the help of several friends. I strive for honesty, but sometimes the best out is just saying, “I’m not ready for anything serious and I don’t want to waste your time.” So that’s what I told G. 2 p.m. Shake off my guilt and go for drinks with R and some other friends. We talk NY versus L.A. With all due respect for New York, I’m so glad I moved to L.A. after graduating college. The first few years were lonely, but the weather and general good vibes have done wonders for my mental health. Meanwhile, I said I wasn’t going to drink in light of last night, but I end up having some wine to keep up with the group. 4:30 p.m. Have to abruptly leave those drinks to […]

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