Finn Wolfhard: “I just like writing songs and making music accessible. I’m not trying to take over the world”

Finn Wolfhard has lived half his life in the public eye. We’ve watched him grow up on screen while starring as Mike Wheeler for four seasons on flagship Netflix phenomenon Stranger Things. He’s worked with Hollywood legends like Julianne Moore, Guillermo del Toro and Willem Dafoe. His CV boasts major blockbuster hits and indie gems alike, not to mention a modelling stint for Yves Saint Laurent, appearing on covers for Elle and GQ, and releasing music in two bands. All before the age of 21. Understandably, people feel like they know who Finn Wolfhard is. They recognise his face, they know his name, his voice and his work. But they don’t yet know the real Finn. It’s making the young Vancouver native a little twitchy about the release of his band The Aubreys ’ new single, Kato; a delicate and deceptively breezy folk lullaby with an angst-riven soul. ‘ It’s been hard to make decisions on how to live my life ,’ one lyric goes, ‘ Wanna crawl out of my fucking skin .’ Alongside his bandmate and long-time musical collaborator Malcolm Craig, for the first time, Finn is finally feeling ready to share something private and personal in public. We meet him to find out how he’s steeling his nerves at the prospect… Your new single Kato is a musically pretty song, but there’s a lot of anguish in the lyrical content. Do you enjoy that juxtaposition? “Oh yeah, absolutely. Some of my favourite songs combine darker, more personal lyrics with incredibly soft arrangements. Growing up, my interests were rock’n’roll, indie and punk, and I’ve been getting more into folk and quieter, reflective stuff. That was the bridge into recording this song the way that we did.” What inspired that darkness? It feels like there’s a theme of growing up and awareness of the essence of who you are changing at the core of it all. “I think it’s all of that. Being 20, so far, has been incredibly fun. I’m sure I’ll look back at these years and think that they were a blast. I also think […]

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