Sarah Rose Etter on Tech Companies, NDAs, and the Precarity of a Job

This week on The Maris Review , Sarah Rose Etter joins Maris Kreizman to discuss Ripe , out now from Scribner. Subscribe and download the episode , wherever you get your podcasts. Episode 214: Sarah Rose Etter Forward 15 seconds Back 15 seconds Share Subscribe Description * from the episode: Maris Kreizman: There is an expectation that anyone who would go out and work at a startup would end up sitting pretty. And the shame of realizing that that isn’t true in the face of the expectations of her family is so tough for Cassie [the narrator of Ripe ]. Sarah Rose Etter: It’s even more crazy because the more you look into it… I definitely know some friend of a friend of a friend who worked at a big tech company that went public and he had a ton of stock, but if you do the wrong thing with your stock, you’re just more broke than you started out. I think it’s actually been debunked that you go broke after you win the lottery. I don’t think that’s actually true. But there is something similar that happens where if you don’t understand the ins and outs of what stock is and how it works, you can very quickly end up with much less than you began with. And so I do think that it’s still a system where if you’re not from wealth already, there is no way you are gonna actually get anything out of those scenarios. MK: And certainly not if you’re living in San Francisco in the 2020s and your rent, much like in New York City, has just increased so exponentially that very few people are entirely secure. SRE: Yeah, I remember there was a documentary I was watching about the housing crisis in San Francisco and they were speaking to an unhoused man, and he kind of looks at the camera and is like, you’re just two paychecks away from where I am. So, don’t ever forget that. And at the time I was like, actually it’s one paycheck. But I never forgot […]

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