‘Beef’ Creator Lee Sung Jin on Writing a Possible Season 2: “I Need to Look Into the Abyss and See What’s Staring Back”

Lee Sung Jin Kevin Mazur/Getty Images After a packed nine days in which the Netflix dark comedy swept at the Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards , the show was officially crowned best limited series at the 2023 Emmys on Monday night, with seven additional trophies between the Primetime and Creative Arts ceremonies, including best actor for Steven Yeun and best actress for Ali Wong as the feuding duo Danny and Amy, respectively. The next day, creator Lee Sung Jin – who personally also won for writing the pilot and directing the finale – phoned The Hollywood Reporter to talk about lessons learned as a first-time showrunner as well as what he would do with a potential (not yet officially greenlit) second season. This interview has been edited for length and clarity . How was the rest of your night after the show ended? We left the HBO party around 1:30 [a.m.], so it wasn’t too late. I’m just so happy to have experienced all of that with some of my best friends. I just got off the phone with Steven and Ali a little bit ago. We’ve gotten so close since we’ve wrapped, and their speeches were so genuine and earnest, it got me teary seeing them up there. To celebrate afterwards was so much fun. I know it’s very rare, it may not ever happen for me again. I’m not so sure about that. How much of a potential season 2 of Beef have you worked on so far? I’m constantly writing stuff down in my Notes app, weird interactions I have in my life or things I observe, and Lord knows there’s plenty of beef out there in the world. I’m constantly jotting ideas down and there’s so much that I want to explore, but this awards season has been pretty nonstop, so I’m excited to have a chance to settle and, Netflix willing, look hard in the mirror and start observing myself and some uncomfortable things about my own psyche and then dive back into something. You’ve said that you envision Beef as an anthology […]

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