My “Friend” Keeps Sending Me Their Writing and I Need It To Stop: Am I the Literary Asshole?

My “Friend” Keeps Sending Me Their Writing and I Need It To Stop: Am I the Literary Asshole?

Reading Time: 1 Min.

Speaking philosophically, if a tree falls in the woods after too many cans of Miller Lite and there’s no one around to hear it, is it cool if the tree grabs another drink or should the tree just go to bed and sleep it off? Much to consider. I’m your host, Kristen Arnett, and I’ve got a wide variety of questions queued up that are guaranteed to pique your readerly and writerly interest. I’ve also got quite a few tequila shots lined up on the bar, and those have definitely piqued my interest! Salt, shot, lime—let’s jump right in and get this party started, shall we? * 1) I’m friendly with another writer online, loved their writing, connected them to a publisher I thought might like their work, the publisher did! They’re now going to publish this writer’s work. Amazing, exciting! But this writer sends me their new writing (unrelated to the book) CONSTANTLY. Sometimes I get a respite and they don’t send it for a few days. I think they’ve gotten the message. But then there they are again in my inbox with four new passages. I do not have time or interest to read this much of someone else’s writing. I have told them I’m too busy to read it several times, have ignored the messages, they still send it. I do want to maintain a writerly friendship with this person and am excited for them. But I CANNOT TAKE THIS. I already did them a massive favor connecting them to their future publisher. I’d be happy to blurb their book. But sending me everything new they write multiple times a week?! Please help me navigate this! The thing that’s great about the internet is the same thing that sometimes makes it terrible: we’re all so completely connected! From the moment we wake up until our eyes finally close for the night, most of us are terminally OnlineTM. In one sense, it […]

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