Against spring cleaning: The books the Lit Hub staff just can’t let go of.

Against spring cleaning: The books the Lit Hub staff just can’t let go of.

Reading Time: 1 Min.

If you’ve ever deep-cleaned your bookshelves, you’ve likely faced some hard choices over what to hang onto and what to donate to the library. As much as you might want to clear space by off-loading beat-up copies, shelf redundancies, books you know you’ll never finish—some books just defy decluttering. The Lit Hub staff looked through our stacks and found a few books that we just can’t bring ourselves to get rid of. the bone clocks mitchell David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks I have two copies of this and very much only need one… except that I read it as a (beautiful, signed) ARC and then some time later got a (beautiful, signed) slipcase hardcover from Powells, because I heard that the final published version had some significant changes re: links to Mitchell’s expanded universe of stories. My thought was that I could compare and see what was changed—but it has been nearly a decade now and I’ve not done it. But I’m keeping the two copies because how can I choose? (Drew Broussard) the artist’s way julia cameron Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way I have so many kind-hearted friends who keep insisting I do this course and uncork my inner artist with the help of God and morning pages. I’m temperamentally not the kind of person or writer this book is for—I don’t put a lot of stock in the definitiveness of creative systems—but every time I consider getting rid of this book, I chide myself up for being too judgmental… “ Maybe I should just listen to my pals, and give The Way a go!” And so: I have yet to write any morning pages or take myself on any artist’s dates, and have now moved this tattered copy to five different apartments. (James Folta) The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist I think a well-meaning aunt gave me a copy of this book when I graduated from high school. It can’t leave my clutches because 1) it’s lovingly inscribed, and 2) most used bookstores are full up on this title. I believe it is to the […]

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