I Don’t Want to Talk to My Coworker About Their Stupid Writing: Am I the Literary Asshole?

I Don’t Want to Talk to My Coworker About Their Stupid Writing: Am I the Literary Asshole?

Reading Time: 1 Min.

Hello again! We’re back with another installment of Am I the Literary Asshole , an advice column that’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery and dunked inside a vodka tonic, much like a slice of fresh lime. Delightful! Today I’m coming to you live from the airport bar. Nothing says enjoy yourself to the fullest like sipping from a tall glass of cold beer at 9am EST. The airport is a place where you can truly live out your wildest fantasies. Loaded hot dog for breakfast? Absolutely. Memory foam pillow purchased from a vending machine? Why not! Forming a lifelong friendship with the airport bartender? You better, if you know what’s good for you. This is the attitude (and latitude) that I am bringing to this column today. So don’t forget to tip your server and grab your spicy bloody to-go, this is gonna be a jet set. * 1) I work fulltime as a teacher (public middle school), but I spend my evenings writing. I’m halfway through a draft of a memoir and I’m really proud of myself. I don’t talk about my writing with my co-workers, because it feels too personal and people have a lot of opinions. However, at a recent after work happy hour, I had a few too many and spoke about my current in-progress project. Now one of my co-workers won’t stop bothering me about it. She claims that she’s a writer, too, even though I’ve never seen her read or write anything and she’s never mentioned a single book to me. I don’t want to talk to her anymore about writing, especially my own work, but I feel like the only way to get her to stop is to tell her this directly, which might come off as rude. AITLA? First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for working on a book while simultaneously teaching MIDDLE SCHOOLERS. Holy shit! The fact that you’re able to process anything outside of reality television after a day of shaping impressionable minds is wildly impressive. I applaud you on your work ethic. Sincerely, that is […]

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