Kelsey Rae Dimberg: Pay Attention to What Excites You

Kelsey Rae Dimberg: Pay Attention to What Excites You

Reading Time: 1 Min.

Kelsey Rae Dimberg is the author of Girl in the Rearview Mirror. She received an MFA from the University of San Francisco. Before writing novels, she wrote copy for startups like Google and Groupon. She lives in Chicago. Follow her on Instagram . In this interview, Kelsey discusses how throwing out a couple hundred pages of a different draft helped her find the idea for her new thriller, Snake Oil , her advice for other writers, and more. Name: Kelsey Rae Dimberg Literary agent: Dan Conaway at Writer’s House Book title: Snake Oil Publisher: Mariner Release date: September 17, 2024 Genre/category: Thriller Previous titles: Girl in the Rearview Mirror Elevator pitch: Just as charismatic CEO Rhoda West is about to close a fundraising round that will make her wellness startup a unicorn, an anonymous Twitter account begins spilling dirt from inside Radical. Tensions escalate until tragedy strikes at a company event. In the aftermath of what looks more and more like a crime, even the most faithful followers begin to wonder to what lengths Rhoda will go to protect her company. Bookshop | Amazon [WD uses affiliate links.] What prompted you to write this book? The idea for Snake Oil came from several places. I wanted to set the book in San Francisco, a place I love. When I lived there, the startup boom was transforming the city—I even worked for an app that was acquired by Google (I didn’t get rich). Over the years, startup culture and leaders made headlines: Mark Zuckerberg was being summoned to Congress looking grim, Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos had crashed, Uber was this massive new service even after the CEO was forced out. I wanted to dig into what makes founders tick. What motivates them to control their business even after they’ve made a fortune, even when the personal costs get precariously high? That was the seed of the book. I’d worked in startups before, but I needed an industry that I could write about knowledgably, and I landed on wellness. In my mid-20’s, I got suddenly, mysteriously sick with what was eventually […]

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