53rd Max Kade German Writer in Residence Line Hoven Inspires Students

Graphic novelist Line Hoven is this semester’s Max Kade German Writer in Residence. Every Monday night for the past six weeks I sketched a self-portrait on a sticky note in a classroom in Peters Hall. To record our attendance, Line Hoven, Oberlin’s 53rd Max Kade Foundation’s German writer-in-residence, required 11 students, including myself, to complete this one-minute assignment at the beginning of each of her lessons for her class The German Graphic Novel: Drawn to Life. However, before we were exposed to this creative routine, she gave each student a fortune cookie and told them to unwrap theirs and share the German word inside. The word I received was “unerschrockenheit” which can mean “resilient,” “fearless,” or even “reckless.” I sat down to lunch with her at my co-op Dec. 3 to talk about the trademarks of her teaching at Oberlin and her intentions with this course. “I wanted every student to have an additional name to their old name that will give them some kind of power to be creative and find their own way,” Hoven said. “It’s not all about, ‘You are that way,’ it’s also something that I wish for people to have a bit of so that it could grow.” This laid the groundwork for what this course meant to many of the people that took it, including College second-year Ruby Saloom. “I feel like I was in a creative rut,” Saloom said. “And now I feel like I’m getting back into creativity and learning new ways of paying attention to detail and feeling.” These new ways of paying attention to detail were aided by the graphic journal Hoven had the class complete each week. “With the graphic journal I assigned, I wanted my students… to be aware of what you find interesting,” she said. “If you take notes every other day about what you find interesting, what you see, what you smell, what you overheard, you’ll notice a red thread, something that all of them have in common.” Hoven wants students to consider why they pay attention to certain things and how it relates to […]

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