Tomlinson on writing and writers workshop

Tim Tomlinson is a Professor of Writing at New York University’s Global Liberal Studies Program. He is a co-founder of New York Writers Workshop, and co-author of its popular text, The Portable MFA in Creative Writing. He is the author of the chapbook, Yolanda: An Oral History in Verse; the poetry collection, Requiem for the Tree Fort I Set on Fire; the collection of short fiction, This Is Not Happening to You; and, most recently, the hybrid collection of poetry and prose, Listening to Fish: Meditations from the Wet World. Tomlinson led New York Writers Workshop Kathmandu in May and June where 35 writers from five continents participated. Ken Subedi conversed with Tomlinson about the Kathmandu workshop, his experience in Nepal, his books and his works. Was this your first time in Nepal? When did you learn about Nepal for the first time? This is my first time in Nepal. Nepal has been in the background of my consciousness for decades. As a young kid, I knew that people were coming here. Hippies were coming here in the 60s and early 70s. You know well that Cat Stevens’ song “Katmandu” was also based in those times. These things made me wonder about Nepal. I also heard stories about the notorious serial killer, The Serpent. You are the organizer of New York Writers Workshop Kathmandu and inaugurated Himalayan Literature Festival. Can you please share your experience of the workshop and festival? The first day of the festival was densely packed. Many moving parts. And I was a bit frantic, putting out brush fires, but things settled a bit on the second day. We’ve been getting lots of positive feedback. I sat in on a couple of panels. The writers we brought here are brilliant and super talented. Hearing from them and knowing that audiences are absorbing all these experiences has been enormously gratifying. How did you start New York Writers Workshop? It has been around 24 years now. We started in 2000. We actually taught our first workshop in New York City. A bunch of my friends and colleagues got […]

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