Qian Julie Wang on Commuting, People-Watching, and Letting the Story Marinate

Qian Julie Wang

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“I delete and demolish with zeal.” Qian Julie Wang’s Beautiful Country is out now in paperback from Anchor, so we asked about her routine and the intersection of writing and litigating. What time of day do you write? I wrote Beautiful Country on my iPhone during my subway commute to and from my law firm job—so it was both the first and last part of my workday. I think those were the only conditions under which I could have possibly written my first book. There was neither financial nor psychological pressure for me to finish the book, so it silenced the self-conscious and critical voices out just enough for me to get the words onto the page. The subway was also a regular feature of my daily life in both childhood and adulthood, so the setting allowed me to find an intimate and vulnerable connection to my childhood self. […]

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