Writing your family’s story

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One of the best ways to preserve your family history is to write your family’s story. In my genealogy classes, we discuss how we each have family stories. Those stories tell about our local, state, regional, and national history! One person’s story can tell us what life was like in many different facets. We can tell the story of our culture, neighborhood, and family experiences. That is how we learn our collective history. One Kansas Family: Stitched Together with Memories Photos used with the author’s permission. In One Kansas Family: Stitched Together with Memories, author Terry Stahl writes about her family’s 20th Century experiences in Kansas. She discusses the Great Depression, drought, World War II, and how the Cold War overshadowed her family. Her book is an example of how you can research your family and tell your family’s stories in creative ways. Her book uses a family quilt and its squares to illustrate their story. It includes colorful timelines, photos of family members, their homes, trinkets, and stories. Stahl will tell you how to Write Your Own History Wed Jan 18, 2023, at 7 pm in the library’s Learning Center. Benefits of gathering your family history Your family has had interesting and unique experiences. I do family this because my family did not pass down our stories. I want to know what their experiences were. Through my research, I have learned about my family’s neighbors, neighborhood, and the […]

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