A Summary and Analysis of Amanda Gorman’s ‘We Rise’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) Amanda Gorman’s poem ‘We Rise’ is an inspiring piece celebrating female empowerment and solidarity which calls upon women to support each other to bring about social change. The poem also cleverly summons the work of earlier poets who had written on the same topic. Summary Gorman begins the poem by reminding her female audience that the whole world is watching them as they ‘rise’. ‘Rise’ here means predominantly ‘progresses’ or ‘gains power and strength and success’, though it’s worth pondering whether there isn’t a faint suggestion of rising up , or pushing for change through protest and political activism. Women, Gorman continues, are ‘paving the way’ for change. Women should help to raise each other up, showing the world that women are not victims but victors: successful, triumphant, strong. They have broken their silence and are now speaking up. Being a woman is also about raising awareness of the ‘most vulnerable’ among them: those women who live without freedom. Those who are speaking out against their oppression should be supported so that other women magnify the voices of these brave women. Although there is much at stake, it has always been true that it requires great courage to make a real difference in the world. Through such female solidarity, women can individually overcome their fears about speaking out, and work together to change communities and even whole countries for the generations to come. Gorman then calls for world leaders who are able to think beyond the present moment and see where society needs to go, rather than where it currently is. Women who stand up for what they believe can lead the way here, and bring about genuine change. All it takes is one woman to stand up and start a movement, and if others support her, all women will benefit from the progress that is brought about as a result. The important thing is that women empower each other, acting together. Analysis Amanda Gorman’s poem ‘We Rise’ is a powerful and uplifting piece celebrating female empowerment and solidarity. Gorman read the poem […]

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