Author To Hold Writing Workshop At Festival

Cuthbert’s third book, Self-Made Monsters, is a hybrid collection of feminist horror, and contains stories and poems featuring women as villains and victims, as bystanders and enablers, exploring the quiet moments of magic and horror in women’s lives. FREDONIA – Writers have their own ways of getting their words onto the page. For Rebecca Cuthbert, the writing process is “a little scattered,” and unconventional. It’s on purpose, but she does follow the tiers of the writing process – brainstorming (pre-writing), rough draft, revision, editing, and publishing. “I will scribble around about an idea for a little bit, and do some prewriting,” Cuthbert said. During her pre-writing, she will make charts and maps because they help her think, help her draw out her ideas, and help her not to contradict herself. At the Nightscape Horror Festival, Rebecca Cuthbert will discuss her book Creep This Way: How to Become a Horror Writer With 24 Tips to Get You Ghouling as well as featuring a writing prompt, and will hold a question-and-answer session. Submitted photo “And then I do drafting. I re-draft. I revise, and then I get help from somebody,” The help she receives is usually from her “writing” friends, and if she needs more guidance to hone her craft, she attends writing workshops. Cuthbert loves writing dark fiction, and poetry, and will hold a horror writing workshop at the Nightscape Horror Festival Saturday at the Northwest Arena, 319 W. Third St. During her workshop she will discuss her book Creep This Way: How to Become a Horror Writer With 24 Tips to Get You Ghouling. Cuthbert also will feature a writing prompt, and will hold a question-and-answer session. “I’m always going to be a fiction writer first, really, but I think that writing poetry trains me to be a better fiction writer, because poetry is a forced concision. You, you cannot be long winded, you cannot take forever to get to your point, and you can’t be vague and murky,” Cuthbert said about poetry. YouTube player Cuthbert’s third book, Self-Made Monsters, from Alien Buddha Press, was published on Oct. 4. […]

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